A Virtual Defect Metrology System Utilizing Photolithography Scanner Topography Maps to Quantitatively Detect Gross Defects, Perform in-line Yield Prediction and Identify Defect Generating Tools (Invited Paper) by Bose, P.; Pandey, V.K.; Staib, M.; Womach, B.; Balla, I.; Olmedo, M.; Khandelwal, A.; Lerner, T.; Ahmadi, A.; Bisht, G. SPIE Advanced Lithography 2025, Conference Paper 13426-23
Ultrahigh Vacuum Self-Assembly of Rotationally Commensurate C8-BTBT/MoS2/Graphene Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures by Liu, X.; Balla, I.; Sangwan, V. K.; Usta, H.; Facchetti, A., Marks, T.J.; Hersam, M. C. Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31 (5), 1761-1766
Selective Transfer of Rotationally Commensurate MoS2 from an Epitaxially Grown van der Waals Heterostructure by Kang, J.*; Balla, I.*; Bergeron, H.; Kim, S; Wolverton, C; Hersam, M. C. Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30 (23), 8495-8500
*Authors of equal contributionAtomic Layer Deposition of Molybdenum Oxides with Tunable Stoichiometry Enables Controllable Doping of MoS2 by Moody, M. J.; Henning, A.; Jurca, T.; Shang, J. Y.; Bergeron, H.; Balla, I.; Olding, J. N.; Weiss, E. A.; Hersam, M. C.; Lohr, T. L.; et al. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 3628–3632
Charge Separation at Mixed-Dimensional Single and Multilayer MoS2/Silicon Nanowire Heterojunctions by Henning A.; Sangwan, V. K.; Bergeron, H.; Balla, I.; Sun Z.; Hersam, M. C.; Lauhon L. J. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 16760−16767
Multi-Terminal Memtransistors from Polycrystalline Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Sangwan, V. K.*; Lee, H.-S.*; Bergeron, H.; Balla, I.; Beck, M. E.; Chen, K.-S.; Hersam, M. C. Nature 2018, 554, 500–504
*Authors of equal contributionSelf-Aligned Van Der Waals Heterojunction Diodes and Transistors by Sangwan, V. K.*; Beck, M. E.*; Henning, A.; Luo, J.; Bergeron, H.; Kang, J.; Balla, I.; Inbar, H.; Lauhon, L. J.; Hersam, M. C. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 1421–1427
*Authors of equal contributionValley-Selective Optical Stark Effect Probed by Kerr Rotation by LaMountain, T.; Bergeron, H.; Balla, I.; Stanev, T. K.; Hersam, M. C.; Stern, N. P. Phys. Rev. B 2018, 97, 045307
Emerging Opportunities for Two-Dimensional Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries by Chen, K.-S.; Balla, I.; Luu, N. S.; Hersam, M. C. ACS Energy Letters 2017, 2, 2026–2034
Comprehensive Enhancement of Nanostructured Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials via Conformal Graphene Dispersion by Chen, K.-S.; Xu, R.; Luu, N. S.; Secor, E. B.; Hamamoto, K.; Li, Q.; Kim, S.; Sangwan, V. K.; Balla, I.; Guiney, L. M.; Seo, J.-W. T.; Yu, X.; Liu, W.; Wu, J.; Wolverton, C.; Dravid, V. P.; Barnett, S. A.; Lu, J.; Amine, K. and Hersam M. C. Nano Letters 2017, 17, 2539–2546
Self-Assembly of Electronically Abrupt Borophene/Organic Lateral Heterostructures by Liu, X.; Wei, Z.; Balla, I.; Mannix, A. J.; Guisinger, N. P.; Luijten, E.; Hersam, M. C. Science Advances 2017, 3, e1602356
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Monolayer MoS2 Directly on Ultrathin Al2O3 For Low-Power Electronics by Bergeron, H.; Sangwan, V. K.; McMorrow, J. J.; Campbell, G. P.; Balla, I.; Liu, X.; Bedzyk, M. J.; Marks, T. J.; Hersam, M. C. Applied Physics Letters 2017, 110, 053101
Scanning Probe Nanopatterning and Layer-by-Layer Thinning of Black Phosphorus by Liu, X.; Chen, K.-S.; Wells, S. A.; Balla, I.; Zhu, J.; Wood, J. D.; Hersam, M. C. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1604121
Mutual Photoluminescence Quenching and Photovoltaic Effect in Large-Area Single-Layer MoS2–Polymer Heterojunctions by Shastry, T. A.*; Balla, I.*; Bergeron, H.; Amsterdam, S. H.; Marks, T. J.; Hersam, M. C. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 10573−10579
*Authors of equal contributionLayer-by-Layer Sorting of Rhenium Disulfide via High-Density Isopycnic Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation by Kang, J.; Sangwan, V. K.; Wood, J. D.; Liu, X.; Balla, I.; Lam, D.; Hersam, M. C. Nano Letters 2016, 16, 7216−7223
Ultrafast Exciton Dissociation and Long-Lived Charge Separation in a Photovoltaic Pentacene-MoS2 Van der Waals Heterojunction by Homan, S. B.*; Sangwan, V. K.*; Balla, I.; Bergeron, H.; Weiss, E. A.; Hersam, M. C. Nano Letters 2016, 17, 164-169
*Authors of equal contributionPoint Defects and Grain Boundaries in Rotationally Commensurate MoS2 On Epitaxial Graphene by Liu, X.; Balla, I.; Bergeron, H.; Hersam, M. C. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016, 120, 20798–20805
Rotationally Commensurate Growth of MoS2 On Epitaxial Graphene by Liu, X.*; Balla, I.*; Bergeron, H.; Campbell, G. P.; Bedzyk, M. J.; Hersam, M. C. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 1067–1075.
*Authors of equal contributionHexagonal Patterns in Thin Films: Experiments and Modeling by Kattouf, B.; Warwar, C.; Balla, I.; Shasha, H.; Sherman, D.; Frey, G. L. Extreme Mechanics Letters 2015, 2, 65–71
Closed Loop Registration Control (RegC) Using PROVE as the Data Source for the RegC Process by Graitzer, E.; Cohen, A.; Dmitriev, V.; Balla, I.; Avizemer, D.; Beyer, D.; Boehm, K.; Degel, W. Proceedings of SPIE, 2012, 8441, 84410A